Sunday, February 27, 2011


It is time for the factions within Council to stop trying to shoot the messenger.

The behavior of Deputy Mayor Cr Elliott and his faction at last weeks' Council meeting is a clear demonstration of a Council that has lost its way and still doesn’t understand that the Chamber is for debating relevant decisions in the interest of the community not an opportunity for a pack mentality ambush. The motion that was presented is not even enforceable – as stated by the CEO, yet regardless councillors insisted on voting for it.  Allowing this item to be accepted as “urgent business without notice” was farcical. Comparatively, a few months ago, my attempt to review Koala Strategy operational expenses was refused as a business item on a Council agenda.  

What was witnessed was a shameful attempt to shut down any meaningful dialogue that points to three years of shortcomings on their behalf.
This is not the first time that debate and dialogue has been shut down.  The last three budgets have been manipulated by Councillors through procedural motions to ensure there is no “speaking against” individual budget items – forcing me to vote against the entire budget without any opportunity to highlight what I am now presenting.

Not only am I happy to answer and address my claims to the people of Redland City, but I'd be happy to take these Chamber dwellers out into the real Redlands, to meet with real residents, and to show them first hand what their neglect and incompetence has caused.

One questions their interpretation of democracy, when anyone daring to have another opinion comes under attack from this group for statements based on resident feedback.

One of the reasons I have decided to stand as Mayor is to end this sort of nonsense and to encourage a focused Council, with every Councillor getting off their chair in the chamber, and actually doing some real, measurable and cost effective work for the rate payers and residents. Hiding in the Council Chamber and acting like the schoolyard bully is rather childish and like most Redland City residents I have had enough.

This attempt at politics looks more like a kindy class that is allowed to get out of control.

It would be funny except for the fact that we pay them for this. It is laughable to think that these elected representatives refuse to hear criticism, refuse to deal with factual realities and demand that I “represent the administration” rather than the residents.

I welcome the Mayors comments during the outburst, that she "would write to the Bayside Bulletin to set the records straight" in reference to the spending on the Koala Communications Strategy.  It will make for interesting reading.  

It is time for the Hobson/Elliott team to stop playing and start governing in the interest of all the people of Redland City.
It is Redland City’s future and the future of its residents that we're talking about here, not Cr Elliott’s career or his feelings.

Last weeks display is a clear sign of the need for a fresh start with a fresh approach and fresh leadership.

I am looking to leading a strong Council that has a clear focus on its people and one that is prepared to push to have our City, the jewel in the South East's Crown, recognised and supported for all that it brings to Queensland. Not a Council with Councillors who treat criticism as a personal insult and make ill-informed decisions based on extreme partisan ideologies.

Redlands needs to be a city of the future with a firm focus on family, affordability, beneficial growth and balanced and responsive representation.

A lock us up and leave us alone attitude has created a city that is failing environmentally, failing in affordability and failing to establish jobs growth or opportunities for its most valuable asset - our young people.

All I can say to these Councillors is remember...It is your job to listen, you were elected to place first the broader community’s genuine best interests.  Not your own personal ambitions and agendas.