Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Toondah Harbour Land Finally Acquired

In August,  I wrote on this blog about the importance of acquiring foreshore land in Redland City and specifically referred to land belonging to CSIRO at Toondah Harbour that it was proposing to sell. Click here for original blog.

Not long after posting this information, the Mayor organised a workshop to discuss the acquisition of this land that I referred to.  I am pleased to report that one parcel of this land has now been purchased by Council.

With this land in community ownership, it is now critical that Council, as the planning authority and a stakeholder, creates a balanced vision for this area that will encourage tourism, deliver a world class transport hub and allow greater foreshore access to the public.  The vision must be economically viable, sustainable and most importantly deliverable.  It will require good relationships with other stakeholders and in particular State Government and business.

We now look forward to quick and decisive actions to ensure the vision turns into reality.


  1. The trouble is it's our rates the Council is spending. I thought the Council was short of money because of the water deal with the State Govt? Unless they can sell it for a profit this is going to mean an inevitable large rate hike yet again.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Unlike Mr Wickes, I am exceedingly pleased that the council has purchased this land. As a resident in the area, I have been waiting for council action to rectify what is currently a substandard and rundown facility that is the gateway to North Stradbroke Island. The current facilities reflect poorly on council, the Cleveland area and also on the greater state of Queensland (via mismanagement of this unique asset).

    Hopefully, a person of vision will lead this development, blending commercial opportunites with the needs of locals, and creating an environment of education of the wider environmental role of Moreton Bay for both migratory birds and fish/sea mammal populations.

  4. Well I don't have the confidence in the current council in doing anything with the Toondah Harbour property other than create another Koala sanctuary.
    I share Karen's view in respect of this site that "it is now critical that Council, as the planning authority and a stakeholder, creates a balanced vision for this area that will encourage tourism, deliver a world class transport hub and allow greater foreshore access to the public. The vision must be economically viable, sustainable and most importantly deliverable."
    This is an opportunity to create a gateway to Stradbroke, Moreton Bay and the islands that will transform Cleveland to a destination for tourists and have an enormous positive economic impact on our struggling local economy.
    I wish you well in your efforts Karen and I hope you have the support and foresight from your fellow councillors
